Diet restrictions
You should follow the physician's instructions regarding dietary restrictions to ensure the colon is completely clean. If not, the procedure may be cancelled and need to be repeated.
![Diet restrictions 16.png](/static/images/procedure/steps/16.png)
Rest easy
You will receive sedatives through
and IV
![Rest easy 1.png](/static/images/procedure/steps/1.png)
Starting procedure
Lie on an exam table as the colonoscope is advanced slowly through the large intestine.
![Starting procedure 11.png](/static/images/procedure/steps/11.png)
The procedure usually takes less than an hour.
![Duration 3.png](/static/images/procedure/steps/3.png)
After the procedure, you will be kept under observation until most effects of the sedative have worn off.
![Recovery 2.png](/static/images/procedure/steps/2.png)